Cloudprint Group


Your People In Print

Local Sydney Printer Rebrand
and Website Design

CloudPrint has been a client of ours for multiple years, so we were pleasantly surprised when they asked us to refresh their website's branding and overall design. We took the task with great enthusiasm and wanted to do well by our long-term client.

CloudPrint, based in Sydney, Australia, is an industry-leading commercial printing company. For over 20 years, they have offered businesses cost-effective and innovative printing solutions that include a diverse range of services. Everything from POS campaigns to display systems, user manuals and company brochures. The all-in-one service helps businesses figure out what they need to compete in a given marketplace.



Brand Photography

Behind the scenes

Working with the video production team at Botanical Content, We gathered material to give website visitors a sneak peek at what goes on at the factory. We included video and images so potential customers could see the professionalism on display for themselves. This allows people to connect with the brand.

Also, we wanted visitors to appreciate the success and reputation CloudPrint has earned to date. Their long list of impressive clients speaks for itself – all we did was showcase the list. Social proofing works because it puts customers at ease. We wanted visitors to think, “If CloudPrint has serviced these impressive brands, then surely they can do the same for me?”.

Logo Refresh

The logo looked slightly dated and lacked balance. Our team decided to give it a modern edge, but without changing the original idea. After all, keeping the logo similar allows current customers to recognize their favorite commercial printing company. .

Website Refresh

After reviewing CloudPrint’s old website, we spotted several areas for improvement. Don’t get us wrong. Their website was fully functional and got the job done for many years. However, an overhaul was in order so CloudPrint could be competitive today.

Showcase Product Range

We knew that CloudPrint had a vast range of products. If visitors could see this impressive list, then they would understand the all-in-one nature of CloudPrint. Therefore, we crafted a whopping 42 product pages. By giving each product a separate page, we could go into detail and explain what they bring to the table. Informative yet to the point – exactly what website visitors are looking for.

Optimized Website

We took care of the technical aspects such as optimizing for loading speeds, mobile devices and Search Engine Optimisation. It ensures that new customers can find the website and have an excellent browsing experience. We understand the importance of first impressions and an intuitive navigation system, so we spared no expense in designing a modern website that stands out.

New images, straight from the factory.

We wanted to get a feel for CloudPrint’s factory and show off their operations using up-to-date photos. Therefore, we visited in person to complete a comprehensive shoot of the facility. We wanted to capture the vibe of the factory and relay it to website videos.




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